The On-Line Working Day

Are you being annoyed by your employer sending out of hours emails?  Well, it may soon be illegal for them to do so – in Germany anyway. German employment minister Andrea Nahles is considering new “anti-stress” legislation, banning companies from contacting employees out of hours.   The move is a reaction to rising levels of workplaceContinue reading “The On-Line Working Day”

Je suis Aaron Swartz

Being an avid supporter of civil rights and the freedom  of speech, I solemnly supported the online campaign following the slaughter of twelve innocent employees at the Charlie Hebdo magazine in France.  The world was in shock at this brutal assault against the press.  The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie began trending around the world in the daysContinue reading “Je suis Aaron Swartz”

Believe the unbelievable

When the University of California introduced the world to the internet on 3rd July 1969, few could have imagined the revolution that first piece of network equipment, the Interface Message Processor, would start. Since then the way we communicate via the internet has advanced from just sending words, to sending images, video clips and face to faceContinue reading “Believe the unbelievable”