Watching your P’s, Q’s and #’s

The rise in citizen journalism means that organisations need to constantly monitor what is being said about them both off-line and on-line.  Public relations professionals need to be the ‘ears’ and ‘eyes’ of an organisation and seek out what is being said about the brand.   There are many free tools available to do thisContinue reading “Watching your P’s, Q’s and #’s”

Are you stalking me?

Ever feel like Big Brother is watching your every move? Well he is.  Except it’s not a he, it’s an app.  And with Forrester predicting Europe’s online retail sales will hit €191bn by 2017 it is easy to see why. MappedIn describes mobile marketing, or geo-targeting, as targeting consumers with relevant products  while they are in the location.Continue reading “Are you stalking me?”

Cyber-stalk Yourself!

  Have you checked out your social media footprint lately? Well, maybe you should. Here’s why… Jobvite’s 2014 annual Social Recruiting Survey shows exactly what hiring managers are looking for when they check out your social media sites. And the results may shock you. The data shows a staggering 93% of bosses are checking out potential employeesContinue reading “Cyber-stalk Yourself!”