The Girl in the Minnie Mouse T-Shirt

Everything about the picture I was staring at in my Twitter feed was wrong.  But what really caught my attention was that t-shirt.  Pink, sparkly and adorned with a dancing Minnie Mouse.  My daughter, a devoted Minnie Mouse fan, had many similar versions of it neatly folded in her dresser. More often than not she’llContinue reading “The Girl in the Minnie Mouse T-Shirt”

Watching your P’s, Q’s and #’s

The rise in citizen journalism means that organisations need to constantly monitor what is being said about them both off-line and on-line.  Public relations professionals need to be the ‘ears’ and ‘eyes’ of an organisation and seek out what is being said about the brand.   There are many free tools available to do thisContinue reading “Watching your P’s, Q’s and #’s”

The Rise of ‘Citizen Porn’

The 2014 Celebrity Photo Hack On August 31, 2014, almost 500 private pictures of various celebrities were posted on the imageboard 4Chan, and later shared on social media sites all over the world.  Most of the pictures were of women, and many contained nudity. The pictures are believed to have been taken by hackers fromContinue reading “The Rise of ‘Citizen Porn’”

Je suis Aaron Swartz

Being an avid supporter of civil rights and the freedom  of speech, I solemnly supported the online campaign following the slaughter of twelve innocent employees at the Charlie Hebdo magazine in France.  The world was in shock at this brutal assault against the press.  The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie began trending around the world in the daysContinue reading “Je suis Aaron Swartz”

Citizen Journalism and the Open Source Movement

According to the Open Source Initiative open source software is software that can be freely used, changed and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyone.  The movement branched out from the Free Software Movement that began in the 1980s with the launch of the GNU/Linux project by Richard Stallman and the basic concept was thatContinue reading “Citizen Journalism and the Open Source Movement”