Guess who?

According to Stacey M. Koosel in her article Exploring Digital Identity: Beyond the Private Public Paradox,  in the same way that new media is transforming culture, we are transforming ourselves into digital identities.  These identities may be an extension of our ‘true’selves, or they may be completely fabricated to mask our true identity from theContinue reading “Guess who?”

Citizen Journalism and the Open Source Movement

According to the Open Source Initiative open source software is software that can be freely used, changed and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyone.  The movement branched out from the Free Software Movement that began in the 1980s with the launch of the GNU/Linux project by Richard Stallman and the basic concept was thatContinue reading “Citizen Journalism and the Open Source Movement”

Cyber-stalk Yourself!

  Have you checked out your social media footprint lately? Well, maybe you should. Here’s why… Jobvite’s 2014 annual Social Recruiting Survey shows exactly what hiring managers are looking for when they check out your social media sites. And the results may shock you. The data shows a staggering 93% of bosses are checking out potential employeesContinue reading “Cyber-stalk Yourself!”

Think before you tweet

You know how in real life you can sit around with a bunch of friends, chatting and having a good time, and you make a slightly ‘edgy’ joke, but because it’s in context and all the people around you know your character, it’s deemed funny, not offensive? Well, the same isn’t true when tweeting.  As JustineContinue reading “Think before you tweet”